Stories from Haiti: 5-13
"I am in the back of an ambulance in Port-au-Prince, Haiti on my way to a small hospital to pick up a 26 week premature infant to transport to the NICU in Haiti. Please say a prayer for me."
"Well, I just got back to my guest house. What a night. I went and visited Hero Ambulance service yesterday as a possible place to help out in Haiti. I was messaging the director about some future possibilities. There was a pause in the conversation and then she came back with "I need your help". She said she had to do a neonatal transport. Do without hesitation I said yes. She picked me up on the corner and we were off. A mom had delivered at 26 weeks. The baby was breathing on its own and needed to get to the NICU at the Children's Hospital. When we arrived he was on oxygen and had an IV in place, which was surprising. The power went out right after we walked into the hospital. We moved him to the cot and down to the ambulance. He was difficult to assess and care for on the bumpy roads while trying to keep him warm. Despite the horrible traffic and roads we got little baby Boo Boo (he hasn't been named yet so that's what we called him) there alive and doing fairly well. Not sure what his long term outcome will be but he is in the place to give him the best chance! Thank-You for all your comments, encouragement, and especially your prayers for me and little Boo Boo."
Still can't believe what happened last night! It’s hard to believe that the youngest patient of my career was in Haiti. Then, to top it off, there were reports of an earthquake last night. I didn't feel anything and I can't find it on any earthquake sites but who knows — just another night in EMS on a full moon ... Haitian style!
I will try to post an update from the airport tomorrow but be sure to watch for the complete story a few days after I get home.
Thanks again for all the support and encouragement you have provided. It has truly been a blessing to me during this trip.
Humbled to serve,
— Kelby