Kelby's Kids

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Year-end Giving: A letter from Barb Frahm

We want to sincerely thank all who have made contributions in support of Kelby's Kids during 2017 — we will be sending year-end contribution summary statements to you soon.

On behalf of Kelby and Kelby’s Kids, I also want to encourage you to consider a 2017 year-end contribution which simply needs to be postmarked or date-and-timestamped no later than the end of the day, 12/31/17.

Kelby has faithfully served the babies, children and families in Haiti for more than one year and has reached thousands of people:

  • 1,000 served at malnutrition Clinic from Jan 31-October 10, 2017
  • 325 patients in 5 days while holding a clinic in Bohoc, Haiti
  • More than 150 patients weekly in medical clinics and feeding centers

A single day at the malnutrition clinic will cost $500 to provide formula and Medika Mumba (medical peanut butter for malnourished kids ages 6months-6years). With four or five malnutrition clinics per month that $2,000 price tag is more than our current monthly income at this point.

We believe that God will provide in 2018 for Kelby to begin receiving a salary (he has been a faithful VOLUNTEER for the past 15 months, Oct 2016-Dec 2017).

Please join us in praying for Kelby and this ministry and seeking God for the provision for Kelby to continue to minister in Haiti, until no child dies from a preventable issue.

Give securely online!

Barb Frahm, Secretary/Treasurer
Kelbys Kids Inc