While waiting for the ambulance I decided I needed to try to get an IV started on him.
Sometimes I wonder if I am losing some of my EMS skills as time goes by. I was very thankful to get an IV the first try on little Loveson. After some fluid his heart rate and his temperature came down some and he was more alert.
The ambulance arrived and care was turned over to them for transport up to GLA. I later got word that he continued to stabilize and was doing better as they worked to find the cause of his condition as well as that of his mom, to see if it was related.
After getting everything squared away, I grabbed a coke and it was time to get back to the maternity patients.
Openers are hard to find and so I hooked the edge of the cap on a bench and hit my hand holding the bottle to pop the top off. I have done this more times than I remember. And the top normally flops off. On this day it did not go well. The cap shot off and hit me directly in my left eye.
Instantly there was an explosion of white. I held my hand over my eye for a while until it was almost tolerable. I tried to get back to work but was unable to see out of it. As much as I didn’t want to, I had to leave the clinic and go to an eye doctor.
He said I had not only cut my eye but the impact was enough that it probably almost detached the retina because there were little flecks of the iris (blue part) floating around in my eye.
So, after several medications, 6 days of having my eye dilated to prevent scaring, dark glasses and a real problem with depth perception I am happy to report, and thank God, that there is no permanent damage!
On Monday, 5 days later, I was at medical clinic and a guy from a motor cycle accident came in. He said that he has been to 3 different hospitals and nobody would sew him up. I told him that I would have to do it with one eye (as the other was still dilated and causes problems focusing on things up close with both). He said that would be fine because nobody else was going to help him. I was thankful it only needed 3 stitches.
One of the moms in the “maternal health clinic” was having trouble with some preeclampsia. I had been working with her a lot and she was the Aunt of a friend of mine.
Although it’s not what I do, (I don’t deliver the babies for several cultural/safety reasons) she talked me into helping her because she lived close.
She called and said that she had been in labor for a couple hours and was ready to deliver and I need to come. I said that was awful fast to go from no signs of labor to ready in 3 hours. She assured, me she was.
They came and picked me up since it was after dark. I arrived and, sure enough, she was in labor. But I thought it was probably still going to be a little bit yet.
With the second contraction after I arrived, she delivered the head. Her niece was tearing things open for me as I hadn’t even had time to open my stuff yet. A couple seconds later the baby was delivered. As I was working on the baby it was quickly obvious that the baby wasn’t doing well.
When the placenta delivered less that 20 seconds after the baby, I knew we were in real trouble. This means that the placenta had detached at some point during labor, before the baby was born, and the baby was not getting oxygen from mom any more.
It couldn’t have been too long or the baby would have already been dead.
The baby was alive, yet would not breath and his heart rate was about 20. And slowing down even further.
I had discussed with mom earlier the fact that I can make no guarantees as I couldn’t possibly bring all the equipment I would like to have with me to their house in the middle of the night. She told me it was alright, that it was in God’s hands, and she would accept His will.
I said a quick prayer of “God Help” knowing He knew the thousand things going through my mind as I started CPR on this baby.
As I knelt on the bare concrete floor with the baby laying on a big piece of cardboard they had gotten for the delivery, it got very quiet as I started compressions. All of a sudden, I felt very alone.
I was wishing for a partner, rescue personal — someone to help with this cardiac arrest. As I continued, focused as if the baby and I were the only ones in the room, I started to hear the people in the house praying.
After about 2 to 3 minutes (which seemed like much longer), baby breathed, and coughed. After a few more breaths his heart was beating again at a decent rate. And he stated to breath on his own. After a minute or so he was breathing well, had a good heart rate, and pinked up!! It was unbelievable!!