I can’t believe that I am in the final countdown… I am going to look at tickets tomorrow but I only have about 3 weeks left from today! There is still so much to do but I know it will be here before I know it.
I only have 2 shifts left at EMS. I work a 48 and then a 24 and on Saturday morning when I walk out I will complete my U.S. career in EMS with 25½ years of service. I know it will be bitter sweet but I continue to look forward to what the future will being in Haiti with Kelby’s Kids.
Funding still continues to come in as well as commitments for monthly support. I am almost to my goal for covering monthly expenses and soon will start securing the funding of the daily expenses for the activities in the clinic. I continue to be honored and blessed by the support that has been shown. For more information on financial needs and support options please look back in my previous blog post.
I want to be sure to let you know of 2 upcoming events that you may be interested in being a part of. Both my church I grew up in as well as my church here in Reed City will be having a short time of prayer and commissioning for me before I leave to serve in Haiti. If you’re in the area and would like to come to one of these I will be available for questions before and after services as well as have my information table set up.
The first is next Sunday, October 23, 2016 at the Midland Free Methodist Church (5821 Eastman Ave., Midland, MI 48640). You can choose between the 9:30 am or the 11:00 am services.
The second will be Sunday, October 30, 2016 at the Reed City Church of the Nazarene (5300 220th Ave. Reed City, MI 49677). The service time is 10:30 am. A luncheon is being planned for after the service for a donation to support Kelby’s Kids.
If you have any questions about either of these dates, please feel free to contact me at Kelby@KelbysKids.org or 231-499-9056. I would love to see as many folks as possible before I leave and this would be a great opportunity to do that.
As the death toll in Haiti passes 1,000 and continues climbing, I am anxious to get back to help those that have survived the devastation of Matthew but may succumb to the delayed effects of such a disaster. After 2 weeks they are just gaining access to some of the most remote areas that were hardest hit. Many of the areas have been completely destroyed and the pictures resemble what you may expect after a nuclear blast. I am looking into where I will be able to go to do relief work in the southern tip of Haiti when I return. It will be a long road for many who are dealing with lack of medical care, not enough food, and very little clean water. Plus, the continued wound care for those that were injured as well as the illness that comes after these types of incidents. I hope that my timing is good as the short term relief workers are returning home, that I can help continue that care to the people in need. After the needs are able to be handled by the local organizations again I will return to Port-au-Prince to start the work that I set up on my last trip.
Almost complete devastation of the buildings and all of the leaves stripped from the trees.
I will update you when I know my exact departure date as well as where I may be serving with the relief efforts once I am there.
Thank for your continued encouragement and support as I prepare to make the move to Haiti!
Until no child dies,