She wasn’t having any complications when she came to the maternity clinic, but, the following week, when she returned before her scheduled appointment, things had changed dramatically.
She was only 17, but she instinctively knew something was wrong. After assessing her, it was apparent that she was probably going to have a miscarriage. And nothing could be done about it.
She was only 26 weeks along. The baby would never make it, if it was even born alive. I explained to her what was happening and what to expect. And she went home.
I was expecting to see her at the next maternity clinic for follow up after the delivery.
I wasn’t able to be at medical clinic the next Monday morning because I was busy with another patient off-site. I was shocked to get a message that she came to clinic ... with her baby! She had delivered at home two days before (on Saturday night)!
The Mom and I set up a system where she could call me if she needed to, but on Saturday night she didn't answer her phone when we called her (because Digicel, the largest of the two cell services in Haiti, was having a major system failure on Saturday).
Christopher, 930 grams (2.06 pounds)
The Mom said that she had taken Christopher to the hospital but they would not let him in because at only 930 grams he couldn’t be helped. He was not quite 27 weeks when he was born but somehow after 36 hours of only being cared for by mom he was still alive. Contact was made with an organization that cares for these little babies and transportation was arranged. I arrived just as they were ready to get into the truck. I got to hold him for just a minute. He didn’t look real. He was so tiny and frail looking. He broke my heart.
Christopher received very good care at God’s Littlest Angels. When he arrived, they said that by his size, weight, and physical characteristics, he was a 25-week gestation baby. He started losing weight and was having more and more issues. He dropped under 2 pounds. Sadly, this just isn’t a survivable age here in Haiti… After 7 days of fighting for this life Christopher went to be with Jesus.
We know this box only holds Christopher's earthly shell, and I look forward to the day when I will be able to talk to Christopher.
Christopher’s mom came back to clinic this week and we were able to love on her and help her out with some of her needs. Please remember to pray for mom as she deals with the loss of Christopher.
Although not all of our stories are success stories, it is important to remember that sometimes the HOPE is the most important part.
Bringing Hope and Healing to the children and people of Haiti because of the continued and faithful support of people like you!
Watch for another post later this week to see the highs of these lows.
Until No Child Dies.