Last year I introduced you to Anne.
She has an extensive heart condition at just 19 years old. A little while ago she went into Atrial Fib and has been having trouble doing even simple tasks, like walking upstairs, without feeling sick.
Anne, before she knew her heart was bad
Through the help of Haiti Cardiac Alliance (HCA), she has been accepted for care at the Health City medical facility in the Cayman Islands!! This is outside of the normal scope of HCA so they are not able to provide this service to everyone.
But they are helping to coordinate this trip, and are able to get me the discount that they get for their patients. This is an all-inclusive price so it will not change if there is additional tests, medicine or time in the hospital.
The care will include a CT Scan, a diagnostic Cardiac Cath, ICU stay around 7 days, and open heart surgery! In my last blog post I asked if you would consider how you may help Anne when the time came.
Could you tell this young lady NO?
The price for the hospital is $34,750.00, plus about $2,250.00 for travel and other expenses for her and her mom. I was hoping to go to be with her through this (and visit the Cayman Islands) but that is not going to work out.
For less than $37,000.00 we can give Anne a chance at a much longer and healthier life!! That is really a very good price compared to how much this would cost at full price or in the U.S. Without this surgery she will just continue to deteriorate until she dies from this condition.
Please give today to help with the cost of Anne’s care — you can give multiple ways with the information in this link:
Please also be praying that everything comes together for her to make the trip the end of May. And that she’ll remain healthy enough to be able to have the surgery. I will update you with more information when I get it as the time gets closer.
The medical clinic remains open and it is good to be able to provide for the general medical needs of all who come to the clinic in addition to the specialty clinics. The Kids are always fun to interact with when they’re not scared they’re going to get a shot.
“Mr. Steal Your Heart” is right!
A couple weeks ago we had some protests throughout the country. They were especially bad in the southern peninsula. Unfortunately, an Agape Flights plane was at the airport in Les Cayes when they broke through the gates.
Agape flights is the missionary mail service that I use. They bring most of the supplies I order for the clinic as teams haven’t been coming into Haiti for several years now.
Agape Flights Chieftain Aircraft
Protestors set one of Agape’s planes afire! It’s one of only 2 planes the service uses. So, it’s a major setback for the ministry. It will slow the flow of supplies into Haiti for the clinic. Please remember Agape flights in prayer as they work toward replacing this aircraft.
The other day in maternity clinic, Marie came in with her new baby Snany Love. After examining her, I was checking on mom after her C-section. Her friend, Loodna, was helping her and had been in the maternity program a couple months ago. Snany was crying and I asked when the last time she ate — because it sounded like a hungry cry.
Loodna immediately started to breast feed her. I was so happy to find out these 2 moms help each other out and take care of each other’s babies — allowing the other to go out to shop and run errands.
It’s often difficult to impress the importance of breast feeding to mothers but many think that breast feeding a child that isn’t yours will kill the baby. It brought me a little joy to see that we are making a change one child and one mamma at a time!
Things in Haiti remain difficult at best. But it’s these little faces are what make it all worthwhile!
Thank-you for your faithful financial support that makes it possible for Kelby’s Kids to continue serving in Haiti. Thank-you as well for your ongoing prayer support on behalf of my safety, health, and the patients who we care for.
[Please donate today, to give Anne a chance at new life.]
Until No Child Dies,